Call center for Financial

Financial call center solutions for banks, brokerages, and more

At Loop Contact Solutions, we understand the intricacies of financial customer service. That’s why we offer specialized financial call center outsourcing designed to meet the unique needs of banks, brokerage firms, credit unions, and other financial institutions. Our services ensure that every interaction delivers value, quality, and satisfaction – all at an honest, low cost.

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Streamline your customer interactions with our expertise

Navigating customer service in the financial sector can be complex. Whether you’re a bank, a credit union, or a mortgage lender, our financial call center solutions provide the support you need to manage customer interactions efficiently and effectively. We handle everything from account inquiries to complex financial advice, making sure your clients receive the best service possible.

Transform your customer service

Experience top-tier service powered by our teams in the Philippines. At Loop Contact Solutions, we pride ourselves on providing financial call center outsourcing that meets high standards of excellence – without breaking the bank.


From managing high call volumes to offering after-hours support, our financial customer service outsourcing is designed to be flexible, scalable, and effective. We adapt to the challenges specific to your sector, providing personalized support that grows with your institution, providing customer acquisition, retention, growth and support solutions from our Manila-based call center.

Why choose Loop?

  • High-quality, low-cost solutions: Get the best of both worlds – exceptional quality at an honest price.
  • Expertly trained agents: Our teams specialize in financial services, ensuring expert handling of all client interactions.
  • Transparent and honest: We believe in transparency and honesty in all our services, so you always know what to expect.


Ready to raise the bar for your financial institution’s customer service experience? Get in touch with Loop Contact Solutions today to learn more about our financial call center solutions. We’re here to help you succeed.


Industry Hurdles

Avoid These Common Call Center Pitfalls

Unanswered calls

If your call center closes at 6:00 EST, that’s 3:00 in the afternoon in California. Anyone unavailable during business hours — whether they call you or you call them — will be missed. All those sales will be missed too.

Uninformed agents

You can tell when an agent doesn’t know what they’re doing — which is usually the fault of bad management. Customers get angry, the company looks like trash, and the agent takes longer on the call, which costs more since agents are paid by the hour.

Losing out on sales from your marketing

Many companies lose 25% – 40% of inbound sales from callers who saw the marketing but aren’t convinced. A simple order taker won’t close the deal. These are complex sales. Callers have questions and concerns; they need to be persuaded.

Missing out on cross sell and upsell opportunities

New customers are extremely receptive to cross sells/upsells. So if you’re not taking advantage of this, you’re leaving money on the table — especially premium products. This is a great way to grow your business enormously.

Poor customer service

Unhappy customers leave. Happy customers stay, renew, buy more. The secret? Use a call center that provides quality support, proactively identifies problems, and fixes them. Do that and cancels will go down while sales go up.

Not saving cancellations

We usually convince 25% (or more) of cancels to stay. Most companies don’t even bother or the save attempt is very weak. Email/website cancels are almost never called back, so none of them are saved.

Payment problems

It’s madness to lose customers over credit card declines or other payment problems. It usually just takes a call to resolve the issue or convince your customer to continue their subscription.

Our call center will handle all these challenges. We will also provide a high-performance sales team.

How can Loop Contact Solutions help your financial business thrive?

  1. Customer support: We build loyalty by giving each customer world class treatment
  2. Sales: Our agents will continuously expand your customer base through subscriber acquisition, cross selling, and upselling
  3. Retention: keep current customers, win back expires, save cancels, and retain failed autorenewals.

Provide 24/7 world class customer support

For customer service issues, our agents will:


  • Answer calls, emails, and live chats quickly
  • Ensure requests/problems are resolved immediately and with empathy
  • Assist new customers having problems accessing their subscription
  • Be available during hours that are convenient to the customer
  • Reignite appeal for subscribers who are losing interest in a product

Grow your sales and increase your customer base

To expand your customer base and enhance sales, we will:


  • Increase conversion rates on inbound calls from marketing campaigns
  • Make outbound calls to prospective customer leads
  • Follow up on incomplete order forms and trial subscriptions
  • Bring in new customers from outbound calls to leads and live sales chats
  • Cross sell new customers to other product and service offerings

Capitalizing on Cross Sells and Upsells

Inbound calls (customer service, purchases, and onboarding) create opportunities to cross sell and upsell. Outbound campaigns to active customers are also great ways to cross sell and upsell. We can often get a 10% to 15% (or more) conversion from customers we speak to. There are several angles our agent can take:


  • Renewal-at-birth to new subscribers: encourage new subscribers to renew their subscriptions right away or sign on for longer-term/lifetime subscriptions;
  • Cross-sell-at-birth/cross sell to longer-term subscribers: convince customers to add another subscription/product/service at the same cost;
  • Cross sell premium products and services: encourage low-priced and premium subscribers to buy premium products;
  • Upsell premium/high-priced products/services to active low-priced subscribers who never purchased a premium product before — this is the Holy Grail of cross selling.


Cross selling and upselling have a double benefit: 1) Most importantly, it brings in revenue;
2) By introducing other products and services through cross sells/upsells, active customers may enjoy an expanded interest in your products.

Win Back 20% of Autorenewal/credit card Failures

According to Forbes, American credit cards expire about every 4 years. That means that about a quarter of your autorenewal customers are at risk of failure. If there is a major security breach like there was with Target or Sony PlayStation a few years ago, the number of cards going out of circulation can be significantly higher — as millions of cards are canceled as a result of the hack. This doesn’t include lost, stolen, cancelled, over-the-limit, and fraud alert cards. Altogether, this is a lot of potentially failed autorenewals, and a lot of money left on the table.

We are experts when it comes to convincing your customers to renew — even if they were not planning to. Our agents can usually retain 20% or more failed autorenewals when speaking to the customer — which can usually more than cover the cost of this service, and then some.

Prevent Cancellations

Most businesses see 15% to 20% cancellations annually. There are many different reasons for cancelling (not just cost), so we train agents to identify the reason for cancellation, find a solution to the problem, and provide an incentive to retain the customer.

We do the same thing for cancellations that come through email and website channels. Since these vehicles don’t allow the opportunity for a dialogue between the agent and customer, we follow up each request with a phone call.

We will communicate with customers through the channels they prefer

Our agents are multiskilled, so they can flow effortlessly across channels to maximize their productivity.


  • Phone
  • Email
  • Live chat
  • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, You Tube)

We prepare agents for high-volume calls/emails/chats during

  • Major Holidays including Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve/Day
  • During successful large-scale marketing campaigns
  • Retention strategies, tactics, scripts, offers, and rebuttals
  • Unusually high numbers of cancellations, refunds, or product returns that need to be addressed with calls
  • Technology problems affecting multiple subscribers

We will build a customized, high-performance team of experts for your business

A seasoned call center expert is dedicated to your account. We make sure they will spend at least a solid week intensely studying your business, customers, products, marketing, sales, and technology.

We also provide a series of “train the trainer” sessions using Zoom video so you can easily transition knowledge from your expert to our expert. We use this material to create …


  • Customized sales and retention We provide you with strategies, tactics, scripts, offers, and rebuttals.
  • End-to-end support processes Call flows, lists of customer requests plus the correct step-by-step process to resolve each, as well as a complete knowledge base about your services and processes.
  • Detailed step-by-step processes This includes screenshots for any technology plus a variety of scenarios including sales calls, cancellation requests, customer service contacts, etc.
  • Formal agent training program Educate agents about your products, services, customer profile, customer service programs, salesmanship, retention methods, and quality assurance.
  • Quality Assurance Program guidelines, score cards, performance management reviews, performance management processes, and more

Call center services for financial

We provide inbound and outbound call center services with highly trained, dedicated agents, through phone, email, live chat, and social media

  • World class customer service
  • Inbound phone sales
  • Outbound phone sales
  • Cross selling
  • Upselling
  • Premium, high priced publication sales
  • Early renewals and upgrades
  • Saving cancels and refunds
  • Outbound phone saves to customers who cancel via email or in the membership area
  • Outbound calls to save failed subscription autorenewals
  • Winback former customers and expires

What you get

Specialist Sales, Support and Retention Call Center

Founder Jesse Rosenthal and Loop’s Senior Leadership team have decades of experience helping many of America’s biggest brands to build and run world-class support services and high-performance sales and retention campaigns.

Specialized solutions and services

We have studied the customer journey of various businesses and learned their pain points and opportunities. From that, we’ve developed 4 solutions and 13 services that increase acquisition, retention and deliver cross-sells and upsellsat key points throughout the customer journey. Our services are customized for each client, enabling us to start up new high-functioning call center services quickly.

Strategic planning and process creation

We create and customize processes for each product we will sell and support. We also plan for every communication channel, whether inbound or outbound. These are then cascaded to our agent teams via an in-depth formal training program.

  • Sales and retention services – we create strategies, tactics, offers, and more;
  • Customer support services – we create end-to-end processes, a knowledge base, call flows, quality assurance programs, and more.

Fully utilized agents who can do phone and email, or sales and support

Each agent is trained separately for each of your products and services to be able to handle both sales and support, whether inbound or outbound. We maximize agent productivity by letting them switch from inbound sales calls to email support, outbound phone to inbound sales and customer servicesand more, as needed. We do this while maintaining the highest standards in all channels and service types.

Premium management, support, and frontline agents

Our headquarters are in the center of talent in the Philippines. We select and nurture the best talents to help our clients grow. We go beyond skill and also look at compatibility. A team will be assigned to become your brand ambassadors who will know your product or service inside out. Aside from a strict 4-layer screening process, we conduct monthly refresher training programs to ensure they’re in tip-top shape while representing your brand. Our dedicated HR team knows how to pick the top market agents who have great potential. Our Operations team will train them to become top-performing agents, delivering world-class customer service and exceptional sales results.

Save money and scale your business

We give you the right number of dedicated, skilled, trained agents for your business without overstaffing (and overspending). When you add new products, websites, marketing campaigns, and customers, we expand our scope, learn about the changes, update your processes, and train the agents. As your business’ phone, email, and chat needs grow, we add agents. If you need to scale back, we can do that too.

Project launch team of senior sales and support experts

You will get a seasoned call center operations sales or support manager with extensive experience in launching new services. We will immerse ourselves in your business, build and launch your new service, and manage the team as performance ramps up, to reliably achieve great results.


We provide fully managed call center serviceswith your goals in mind. We can use your existing processes and/or create new ones for you based on your needs. We are flexible enough to help you scale your business faster.

Our numbers


Inbound Conversions




Quality Score




Why Loop?

As a full-service call center, we create high performance sales, customer service, technical support, and retention teams to handle everything you need — from inbound and outbound phone calls to email support to live chat. Our agents, processes, and technology are optimized to help you achieve your business goals.

What our clients have to say

Try us for 90 days and see real tangible results before you make your decision

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Thinking about outsourcing? Send in this form and we’ll set up a call right away.

111 Paseo de Roxas Ave Makati,
Metro Manila,
1229 Philippines

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How it works


Why should I outsource my financial publishing call center service?

Focus on the big goal, perfecting your product or service, or getting the word out there, while we take care of bringing the customers to you.

We have an all-inclusive fee that takes care of everything from strategy to training to management. Reach out to us to get a quote based on what your business needs.

Any. We work with companies of all sizes, across multiple industries. Often small businesses come to us just needing an agent or two, then quickly increase to ten, or much more. Our goal is to help your company grow big, or even bigger.

We are confident in our processes. Our clients often get their ROI upfront because we continuously monitor and improve to reach your goals faster.

All of our Senior Leadership team members have over a decade each of experience creating and running high quality sales and support services for small and large businesses across a wide variety of industries. We’ve taken everything we’ve learned to create solutions and services that specialize in sales and retention. We put in the time and effort to study our clients’ business, products or services, and customer needs in order to provide services that deliver the best results.